
I am a Hungarian artist, born in Budapest in 1994. From 2018 to 2023, I pursued my studies at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts, under the guidance of esteemed masters Zoltán Ötvös and János Kósa. During my time as a student, I began to gain recognition through participation in various exhibitions held across the country.

Group exhibitions:

  • MANK: Art and Play Exhibition (2020)

  • REÖK Szeged Painting Biennial (2020)

  • Colorbar: Salami Factory Capriccio (2021)

  • MANK: Our Celebration: Christmas Exhibition and Fair at the ÚjMűhely Gallery (2021)

  • Ari Kupsus Gallery: Ari S Kupsus Salon Concert Society Scholarship Exhibition (2022)

  • Csongrád City Gallery: János Kósa Master Class Exhibition (2022)

  • Tállya: Let It End Already! Contemporary Fine Art Exhibition (2023)

Awards and Honors:

  • Jenő Barcsay Study Award (2020)

  • Jenő Barcsay Study Award (2021)

  • Fundamenta-Amadeus Artistic Scholarship (2021)

  • Ari S Kupsus Salon Concert Society Scholarship (2022)

  • Jenő Barcsay Study Award (2023)


  • Fundamenta-Amadeus Art Foundation Collection: Quarantqueen (2021)

  • Sándor Szy Private Collection: Thirstiness (2022), Jacob and the Angel (2022), The Game (2022)

  • Ari S. Kupsus Collection: Bacchus (2022)

  • Csaba Bíró and Dóra Private Collection: Third Children's Room (2021)

  • Lennard De Klerk, Jeroen Van Drunen Private Collection: Sisyphus 1 (2022)

  • Eliane Pickermann Private Collection: Sisyphus 2 (2022)

  • Márton Gulyás Berger Collection: War and Peace (2023)